January Spice Horoscopes

It’s that time of year when you start making resolutions and plans for the future. To make this process easier, Madame Saffron presents you with your spice horoscope. She has studied planetary movements and local weather patterns, she has consulted the spirits of this world and the next so read on, my friends, to find out what this month has in store for you! Will it be a healthy salad or a seductively tasty cookie??

Salad and Stars


Hey Go-getter! This is your month to shine. You’re starting off this month with a go-go-go attitude and you’re killin’ it!! Be sure to take a minute to take care of yourself around mid-month. Cook yourself a good meal, might I suggest these Berbere Meatballs? BUT this month is for ACTION so while you’re taking the time fix yourself a tasty meal, you might as well take the plunge and ask that cutie you’ve been eyeing for weeks now over to enjoy those meatballs with you. They’re great for sharing (especially with pasta a la Lady and the Tramp). Berbere‘s  warm subtle heat will warm y’all up from the inside and make you want to fall in love. So get after it, Aries! This is your month to seize the day and love!


You know what they say, treat others like you’d treat yourself. But Taurus, you’re treating yourself like shit. GET. IT. TOGETHER. Go to the gym, go for a run, join a dance class, EAT A GODDAMN SALAD. Get some Oikogeneia Greek Blend, make the vinaigrette recipe on the back, and throw it on some fresh greens and veggies. You’ll feel better about yourself and because you feel better, you’ll treat those around you better. Your relationships both romantic and platonic will flourish if you nurture your relationship with yourself. If you start making positive change early in the month by mid-month you’ll be killin’ it!


In the beginning of the month take some time for self-improvement – commit to going to the gym or yoga or just going for a walk everyday. Mid-month is a good time for you to have a pizza party. That’s right, part of taking care of yourself is making sure you’ve got enough “me time” & fresh air (walking everyday, remember you promised yourself to get more exercise) BUT another very important element of self-care is getting some social interaction. So invite your besties over for a good meal and conversation! A pizza party will be great for your active and friendly personality. Here’s a dough recipe to get you started. And while y’all are putting together your pizzas, set out some Roasted Cajun and Onion Dip with fresh veggies for nibbling. Then maybe most of the toppings will actually make it onto your pizzas! 😉


You need to take care of yourself this month. This is a big year for you, Cancer. You know it, I know it, you’re feeling great, you’re looking great, you’re absolutely killing it! But now is not the time to slack off, this is the time to build and strengthen that solid foundation within yourself. Get plenty of sleep, get plenty of exercise, EAT SOME BREAKFAST. Yeah, you heard me, eat some goddamn breakfast. With respect to both the year and the day, if you start out strong the rest will follow suit. For possible breakfast options consider the following: avocado toast with Za’atar, or oatmeal seasoned with a dash of Poudre Douce and Cinnamon Sugar or even just scrambled eggs with a little Pink Provence and toast.


Things are looking good for you, Leo. But who am I kidding? The one thing on your mind is love. We’ve all been there, you’ve got your head in the clouds, you’re humming love songs, the sun is shinning, the birds are chirping, you’ve got a pep in your step, it’s a Singing in the Rain kinda feeling! Well that’s swell for you, Leo, but some of your friends and coworkers may not be feeling the love. In fact, they may be at rockbottom right now and your cheery disposition may really piss them off and make them quite crabby. Don’t be offended. Not everyone is as lucky as you are right now, so stay nice, stay happy, and bake up a batch of these Crinkle Cookies for your coworkers! Then whip up some hot cocoa and invite a friend or two over to enjoy it with you. BUT don’t go on and on and on about your dreamy lovey dovey perfect life, LISTEN to your friends and hear their struggles. It’s not always about you HOWEVER you can be a positive voice of reason if you just take a moment to listen to the darkness in your friends’ lives.


Virgo you are ready to roll this month, ready to put the pedal to the metal, ready to get shit done! Unfortunately those around you may not have the same mind set. Take a deep breath, Virgo, fix yourself some Chai Tea and relax a little. Things will get done just maybe not as fast as you would like. The key to flexibility in a lot of cases is being prepared for anything. Make up a batch of Pimento Cheese and you’ll be set to go! Whatever happens, no matter how frustrated you are with the people around you not keeping up with your desired pace, take a deep breath and remember you’ve got some tasty pimento cheese waiting in your fridge ready to be eaten!


You’re feeling a need to connect, Libra. Maybe something has been bugging you for a while now or maybe you’ve just had a come-to-Jesus moment. Let your friends and family know what’s going on – you want to talk to them and they want to listen! The universe is right for communication so whip up a batch of these Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins and invite your people over for coffee and conversation.


You know what’s right for you. Scorpio, and this is the time to act on it ! Maybe you’ve been going along with things because “everyone’s doin’ it” or everyone’s telling you that’s what you should do and that’s what you should want. But it doesn’t feel right, does it, Scorpio? No guts, no glory should be your motto this month. Your gut is telling you what to do and you sure as shit better listen. It’s hard to be true to yourself when outside forces are so persuasive but YOU DO YOU, my friend. A good way to stay strong and resolved and confident in your own gumption and moxie is to eat right. You can’t listen to your gut when you’re hangry. So get yourself some Grill Seasoning and throw it on some fresh veggies and chicken and roast ’em up in the oven. This is a fortifying meal and if you’ve got leftovers you won’t have to worry about multiple meals as you achieve your goals and dreams!


You are in a good place right now, Sagittarius, you should take some time to celebrate the things you’ve done, the path you’re on, and the people you’re surrounded by! Invite your friends over for cocktail hour and toast to life with a simple glass of prosecco rimmed with honey and Ginger Sugar. Or invite some buddies over for a hot cocoa party. Y’all can soak up the good vibes of the new year and chat about where you are going next!


You’ve got goals, you’ve got vision, this is your month to make these come to fruition! The universe is ready to help you make things happen. So please while you’re making plans and setting goals, don’t forget about working self-care into those plans! Treat yourself to a good meal, like these Berbere Meatballs. They’ve got a lovely warm heat that’s perfect for winter. And what’s more, this recipe makes enough for multiple meals so you don’t have to worry about making dinner or lunch while you’re achieving your hopes and dreams. You’ll have a few delicious meals waiting in the freezer for when you need them most!


This is a month of discovery and experimentation! The theme of the month is newness – maybe you’re finding new love, or maybe you’ve found a new way to tackle a problem at work. Whatever the case, this month you are bound to meet new people and see new possibilities in your future. With all this excitement, don’t forget to take care of yourself! Continue to get daily exercise, even if it’s just going for a quick jaunt around the block!  And please, please, please cook yourself a nice sit down kinda meal at least once this month. Don’t settle with just that bag of popcorn or plain pasta! With all the new being thrown at you, you need your strength! You don’t have to get fancy, you could just sautee some fresh veggies with Mediterranean Oil Blend and toss ’em with pasta – it’s still pasta, but even more delicious!!


Pisces, you may be feeling a bit jet lagged from 2016. Don’t let that tarnish the beginning of 2017!! This is your chance to turn things around! The best place to start is with yourself! GET OUT, move, ride a bike, go for a run, join a gym, take a dance class – these are just options – you find what’s right for you. Once you’ve found some fun weekly physical activity remember to eat right, too! It’s easier than you think – coat some veggies with olive oil and Cocoa Nib Rub and roast ’em up in the oven. Toss ’em with some pasta or rice or throw an egg on top and call it a meal!

Best luck in the new year,

Madame Saffron