Pasta Salad

Pretty pasta salad

This is less of a recipe post and more of a really easy guideline for some fresh tasty pasta salad!

First you’ll need to get our Oikogeneia Greek Blend and follow the recipe on the back to make a DELIGHTFUL vinaigrette.

Then cook up some pasta (any kind you want; curly, flat, tubular)

Dice up some fresh veg (tomato, mushroom, carrot, celery, cucumber… heck you could even venture into the realm of olives and artichokes, that would be nice)

Crumble some cheese (feta, goat, bleu, manchego)

Throw everything in a bowl, pour some of that vinaigrette all over it, stir it up and VIOLÀ! You’ve got some fresh pasta salad.

Get a little crazy with the ingredients or stick to the basics, no matter what you do, let your heart (and stomach) lead the way and you’ll never fail!


Charleston Spice Co.

Roasted Potatoes

roasted potatoes

Simple. Easy. Delicious.

What more could you ask for in a side dish?

Here’s how ya make some killer roasted potatoes:

Preheat oven to 450°F. Peel or don’t peel your potatoes (it’s your choice, listen to your heart). Cut into wedges or cubes. Throw into a bowl and coat with olive oil. Sprinkle on the seasoning of your choice, and mix ’em up so they’re good and covered (we like Grill Seasoning or Oikogeneia or Durango BBQ, oh heck, we’ll put any of our blends on roasted potatoes!). Spread the potatoes out on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes depending on the size of your potatoes.

Let cool a little and ENJOY!


Charleston Spice Co.


The Grand Chawhee’s birthday pie

Grand Chawhee's Birthday Pie

This is a rather belated post about the Kentucky Derby!! We went all out, Mint Juleps and Hot Browns were had as per usual, but we also had this lovely pie!!

Named in honor of childhood memories and The Grand Chawhee, it’s a little more nutty than the standard Derby Pie, but we’re okay with that.

Here’s how to make it:

1/4 cup butter

1 cup Pecan Pie Spice

1/2 cup flour

2 eggs, beaten

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

2 cups chopped pecans

pie dough of your choosing (we used the pre-made stuff but if you want to make your own, go get ’em, tiger! We believe in you!)

Melt the butter and let cool. Preheat oven to 350° F.

Combine Pecan Pie Spice and flour. Mix in butter and all other ingredients.

Place dough into a 9inch pie dish and fill with mixture. Bake for 35 minutes.

Serve all by itself or with a dollop of bourbon whipped cream and enjoy!!

The Grand Chawhee's Birthday Pie


Charleston Spice Co.